Tuesday 22 November 2011

Interivew Preparation

ha ha ha ..... Received a call for an interview .... so thought to write some Questions and answer Which i often Hear from people...... even though these won't me in my interview but why not to put them here on the blog which may be Help ....
so lets start here....

What is Muay Thai Kickboxing?
Muay Thai kickboxing is a professional and amateur sport, a martial art, aerobic fitness programme, and a useful form of self-defence. But Muay Thai kickboxing is more than just learning how to fight. Muay Thai kickboxing is a strong and vigorous martial art art that teaches self-discipline and self-awareness.

What is the difference between Muay Thai and Kick Boxing?
Answer: Elbows and the clinch are the two biggest differences and can result in brutal consequences. In K-1 kickboxing they allow knees, some kickboxing organizations don't allow knees.

Why learn Muay Thai kickboxing?
On a physical level regular Muay Thai training will give you a well-proportioned physique, build stamina and get you in excellent shape. Fat will disappear and your complexion will improve. Muay Thai kickboxing teaches you to defend yourself and toughens you up. You will gain greater strength and agility, and will benefit from an immune system boost.

Who can learn Muay Thai kickboxing?
Muay Thai kickboxing is a form of unarmed combat accessible to all people everywhere, children and adults, male and female. Not everyone learning Muay Thai kickboxing wishes to compete. Nowadays people from all walks of life are turning to Muay Thai kickboxing for many different reasons.

Attributes of a Muay Thai boxer
A Muay Thai boxer should be outwardly humble but maintain an unshakeable inner resolve.  He should be honest and reliable, not proud or overconfident. He needs courage to become accustomed to pain and danger without fear. A genuine Muay Thai boxer will create unity, make himself useful to society, be a good patriot and avoid unruly behaviour. A man (or woman) truly absorbed in the art of Muay Thai kickboxing is always in control of his feelings. He is intelligent and wise. He is gentle as a lamb and fierce as a lion.

How long does it take to get good at muay thai?
Dont abuse muay thai, its dangerous in the wrong hands. But for your question, usually to learn the basics and have a decent stand up game a year should suffice, but you wont be the best but you'll be 1000x better than a person without fighting experience. Id use muay thai strictly in the ring and on the street if i really have too. The consequences are too great to punk people around, unless they are messing with you.

A common misconception:
There is a common misconception that Muay Thai kickboxing and other contact sports breed aggression, but this idea could not be farther from the truth. While it is a tough sport the central precepts of Muay Thai boxing promote compassion, gratitude and honesty. A genuine Muay Thai boxer seeks to create unity and is always in control of his feelings.

please Write to me on asaddkar@gmail.com..... same on FaceBook...


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